Do you often ask yourself the questions: “When will the COVID pandemic end?”, “What do we mean by the new normal today and what would happen after the epidemic?” Well, the new “normal” is already known, to some extent. Perhaps the use of multi-family technologies (remote workplace, home office, etc.), performing contactless operations. Both now and after COVID, we are slowly embracing the new technologies that are entering.
If we distance the company from not implementing these innovations, we will lose. Therefore, property management must very skilfully analyze and weigh what works and what does not, in order to retain current residents and attract new ones.
Adopting intelligent technology for multi-family operations in a world after COVID
The world is changing and every owner must take a step towards the necessary change. Technology is what can save many businesses, and last but not least, multifamily properties. Here is what is key to adopt in terms of smart technology in the world after COVID.
Smart property management as a key step
Smart management is everywhere – from turning on appliances to getting online products. The more innovations you offer to your residents, the more you will attract to your property. Many tenants say they are willing to pay for this pleasure, but prefer to feel comfortable and comfortable in the place where they live.
Technology is what attracts. Be reasonable and stand out from your competitors in neighboring properties. Everyone is looking for an easier life.
Virtual tools as a precaution
Despite the increased vaccination, people have become frightened and accustomed to some technologies that they want to continue using. Most Americans still look suspicious and do not want personal contact, even when receiving goods they have ordered online. Virtual tours and contactless rentals have emerged as a necessary first step. Did you know that over 60% of tenants, aged 18-34, are more likely to make a reservation if you give them the opportunity for a virtual tour.
Provide high-speed internet
If once people literally lived in the workplace, now the workplace has moved to their personal home. This permanent residence implies more hours in front of the screen of the phone, tablet, laptop or computer. What greater satisfaction for anyone living than high speed internet? 42% of employees working from home say that high-speed internet is a must for them. Of course, they are willing to pay a higher amount for this convenience, so be sure to provide fast internet access.
Safety and satisfaction facilities
Every resident seeks maximum satisfaction and closeness to his requirements. The truth is that some amenities have acquired other dimensions – they have become a necessity. There are a number of services that you should offer to tenants and property owners (fitness, spa, laundry, etc.)to call your property modern and become a desirable place to live.
Discovery spaces (green areas) in front of the property are one of the most preferred amenities nowadays, not to mention balconies. All this is embedded in the design of new residential complexes, but the old ones need to think about some improvement.
Introduce the need for smart lockers
It is clear that online shopping is becoming more widespread and ahead of any other type of order, even when it comes to ordinary food or other necessities. Along with this, there was a greater need for home delivery. However, it is associated with many obstacles and possible theft from the porch.
This creates the need to install smart lockers for fast, safe and secure delivery to a specific location. Thus, there is no restriction when taking the shipment, it is possible for the consumer to unlock and pick up the ordered goods 24/7. In addition, smart lockers, however, allow residents to download their packages in approximately 10-20 seconds, completely on their own.
Receiving notifications is automatic. Awareness and tracking of the shipment is very high. After placing the package by the courier, the recipient is provided with a unique access code, which they enter manually, or a barcode that they can scan for contactless access to their delivery. As it turned out, the system is self-service, which means that the property manager is relieved of this task.
Positive return on investment
The idea of a positive return on investment for smart technologies, on a medium basis, is of particular importance. Here we are talking mostly about home intelligent technologies. ACLewis Management’s Baton Rouge property cites an estimated return on investment in smart technologies of 30%, well above the average return on capital investment of 10%.
Comparing with the smart lockers, we can conclude that they stand out with the highest return on investment. On average, in 8 months you will see these positive results, unlike smart locks and thermostats, for which the return takes three years.
Did you know that just one implementation of technology, such as a smart parcel terminal, can raise the lease by approximately 40%. Well, now property owners could think more seriously about such an investment. The initial costs are worth the subsequent positives.
We are all aware that things have changed dramatically worldwide. Just go back a year and think about how we lived, and now what is the situation? The change has happened permanently! ParcelHive smart lockers will help you significantly in managing the supply of your residents, while meeting your expectations. The installation of such a convenient system will keep the loyalty of the residents and will attract new interest.
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