Why Courier Companies
Integrate Parcel Terminal Systems

Courier companies are a fundamental part of today’s logistics network. With the rapid growth of online commerce, their performance is expected to rise significantly. Major industry players are increasingly adopting innovations to enhance their workflows.

The primary motivations for integrating parcel terminal systems include:

Cost Savings

  • Reducing transport costs is crucial not only for their own operations but also in response to external pressures.

Environmental Concerns

  •  With increasing air pollution, uncontrolled traffic, and the rise of eco-movements, there is a strong push towards sustainable practices.

By embracing these innovations, courier companies can improve efficiency, reduce costs, and contribute to a more sustainable future.

Our Services

Embracing Parcel Terminal Systems for Efficiency

Courier companies are highly motivated to adopt innovative systems that optimize their core processes, such as parcel terminal systems, which offer numerous benefits.


Cost Reduction: Less mileage for carriers means significant fuel savings, reducing overall transportation costs.


Increased Efficiency: Users can send or receive shipments quickly, minimizing their time and effort.

Smart Parcel Lockers and Parcel Terminals: Efficient and Cost-Effective


Smart parcel lockers and parcel terminals provide affordable, impactful advertising. Easy to install and brand, they offer a wide-reaching promotional tool.


Using these terminals through courier companies can halve delivery times, reducing delays significantly. They perform efficiently even during peak holiday seasons, ensuring timely deliveries and satisfied customers.


In summary, smart parcel lockers and parcel terminals enhance both delivery efficiency and advertising reach.

Streamlined Testing and Returns with Smart Parcel Lockers

Smart parcel lockers simplify testing, review, and returns, reducing lead times and minimizing logistical disruptions. Operating 24/7, they cut labor costs and ensure uninterrupted service.


Implementing these systems opens new partnerships with large distributors and retail chains, driving growth and creating new business opportunities.

Our Parcel Lockers

Indoor Parcel Locker
Indoor Parcel Locker
Frozen Locker
Frozen Locker
Key Keeper Locker
Key Keeper Locker
Refrigerated Locker
Refrigerated Locker
Fresh Locker
Fresh Locker
Food Warmer Locker
Food Warmer Locker
Phone Charging Station
Phone Charging Station

Request a Quotation

Get in touch with us to request a quotation. Our team is ready to assist you with your needs and provide detailed information about our services.

Please note that this is a request for quotation form, NOT a job offering. If you would like to submit your CV, kindly review the open positions on our LinkedIn page first.


Warehouses in Over 15 Countries Across Europe and the Middle East


Our Headquarters and Manufacturing Facility

148, Kliment Ohridski Blvd. Sofia 1756, Bulgaria

C/Colegiata N18, 28012, Madrid, España

Phone Numbers

+ 359 2 408 58 88

+ 34 (91) 0607378

Email Addresses

[email protected]

[email protected]

[email protected]

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