You still haven’t switched to the smart service system and are wondering if you should do it? You are not obliged, but it is highly recommended if you want to develop in a successful business environment and offer quality service. Parcel terminals are a feature that transforms shipment delivery much faster and cheaper than standard ones.
Why is it worth switching to an intelligent supply system?
All parties in an online transaction are looking for the most efficient way to get an easy and reliable way to send and receive parcels. Until recently, both the sender and the recipient faced serious challenges in carrying out this task.
See why it’s worth switching to a smart parcel delivery system:
- ★ It works equally well for everyone in the asset management process, both for the sender and the recipient.
- ★ Facilitates the delivery process
- ★ Reduces a number of operating costs of the company
- ★ High security of the package while taken by the recipient
- ★ Shopping has changed significantly in recent years and this system is the best solution for order fulfillment – mass shopping online. The reason is the convenience and the wider range of goods compared to most physical stores.
- ★ People are looking for less and less physical contact in the last years of the pandemic, and parcel terminals are “self-service”.
- ★ Applicable to any environment, business or government organization – everyone can benefit – the smallest business to government institutions.
Overall, smart lockers are the best choice you can make to help your business adapt to a rapidly changing environment. Market trends are only increasing their use, understand the benefits and you, first hand. The new reality is different and we advise you to adapt to it in order to take advantage of the positives it brings.
We guarantee that you will enjoy flexibility, security, reliability, cost savings and a number of amenities. Take some time to explore all the possibilities of smart lockers that can improve your business.
What is special about the functions of smart parcel lockers?
There is no doubt that the first thing we associate with parcel terminals is convenience. The “buy online and pick up from the store” service, without paying any amount for delivery, has become very popular in recent years. It was then that the greatest need arose for the introduction of automatic lockers. Their function allows the staff to take on other, more important tasks, or to pay more attention to the customers of the store.
People are increasingly shopping online, from their mobile phone, tablet or laptop, while relaxing on the couch or traveling. Everyone does it because it is already available, very easy and with the possibility of low delivery, return, etc. Flying terminals help businesses reduce serious delivery costs, and the consumer is happy because they get a better experience.
In addition to convenience, parcel terminals are special with a few more things – gaining personal access to a cell, which provides a high degree of protection and security of the shipment. It works with the help of a personal code or pin. Only through their knowledge can a specific cell be opened and the goods taken. The positive thing is that many can service themselves, because the system allows payment and subsequent return.
Customers are impatient and have higher expectations when shopping online. What does this mean? It is necessary to simplify the whole process for them, but not at the expense of the quality of service, on the contrary. They are looking for ways to make their lives easier while ensuring their safety. The implementation of custom solutions, such as the automatic parcel system, contributes to the improvement of the overall user experience. It is a reliable tool for fast and trouble-free order management, return and logistics.
Packet cabinets in the world of the Pandemic and after it
The Pandemic changed the world. This is hardly unexpected, but it has created many situations that require the right solutions. Online commerce is part of them. Numerous packages were delivered and dumped at the counters of the community-responsible porters. Post offices, porches and others were littered with parcels, some of which were stolen. There was chaos that had to be sorted out.
Then the parcel terminals were of the greatest benefit. Many retail businesses have turned to them, as have many consumers. So everyone won and they were happy, even in the world of Pandemic. The innovative solution overcomes the problem and meets the two most important requirements – contactless delivery and lack of physical contact.
Developed and manufactured in America, Parcel Hive are parcel terminals that can be fully integrated to your liking. You determine the size, cell distribution, appearance and temperature regime. We run and install the system where you specify. We offer you an affordable and very good solution for the huge number of packages that need to be managed. The parcel terminals are suitable as a mailbox, for multifamily communities, institutions, state companies, schools and others.
The level of comfort is high, and we offer you extra peace of mind so you can focus on other, more urgent tasks. The intelligent system is equipped with video surveillance, provides visibility at all times.
If you are still wondering: why is it necessary to switch to parcel terminals, then the conclusion is because it works effectively and is sought after by everyone who shops today. Staying at home due to a number of strict measures encourages a person to shop online and indulge in something new. The expectations are that the parcel terminals are not only outside or in a store, but everywhere – offices, shops, administrations, schools, etc.
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